Wednesday, April 12, 2006

59 Aviator

A biopic depicting the early years of legendary director and aviator Howard Hughes' career, from the late 1920s to the mid-1940s
“show me the blueprints, just show me the blueprints, the blueprints, show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints….”

I hate to say it, but I like this movie. I didn’t want to like it but I do. Leonardo DiCaprio plays eccentric Billionaire Aviator Howard Hughes. Even when I was young I had a fascination for anything eccentric or off the beaten path and people like Hughes fell into my interest. When I heard Leonardo was playing the role I was bummed out. I mean he was great in What’s eating Gilbert Grape but his recent films he has just been a pretty boy, in my opinion. So I settled on not watching the movie. Finally a friend told me I had to watch it he invited me over we watched the flick and my interest and love for the weirdness of Hughes was re-ignited. The movie itself has a couple of editing flaws but the direction is masterful and the acting is brilliant. In the beginning you may stay fairly reserved but 20 30 minutes into the movie you are no longer watching DeCaprio you are watching Hughes. Leonardo did what actors do best, become someone else entirely and he does this. The only two people that come close to stealing light away from DeCaprio are Alan Alda who does an excellent job playing a man you love to hate and Cate Blanchett who plays the boisterous and talkative Katharine Hepburn. Scorsese creates some brilliant shots that are very memorable. I think this movie is possibly even in the category of must see.


At 4:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't like the film. but the worst in it is leonardo dicaprio...


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