83 Masculine Feminine
Paul is young, just demobbed from national service in the French Army, and dishillusioned with civilian life
"Give us a TV and a car, but deliver us from liberty."
This begins my appreciation for French movies. It started I dont know where but maybe indirectly thru my appreciation for Gilliams work and his influence from french movies. I watched the re-release of this at the neptune in Seattle with a small audience. It was great. The sound is hard to look past and started to give me a headache but the story or lack of story is extremely inspirational and influenced some of the writing in a short I have started on called Sans Vie. I think the thing I like the most about this movie is it is more of a social commentary and it is not afriad to turn away from a traditional plot line. It ends bitter and hopeless and that may be why I like it so much. It is also the reason why many who like Godards work do not like it. There is a scene where they are in the movie theatre and you see the movie they are watching the mans face distorts dramatically, dollars to donoughts this is the kind of thing that defintially influenced Gilliams work.
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