Saturday, September 03, 2005

89 Tron

A world inside the computer where man has never been. Never before now.
"All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible."
I saw this as a double feature in Tacoma with something wicked this way comes. Both great movies but I only have room for a couple of sentimental ones. Tron is all about video games and being inside one. This was done back in the day where computers were green screen apples and CGI might have been mistaken for a government agency. I hope they redo Tron soon. Although the thought of that makes me nervous as this one is a classic. When listening to any dance techno music if you hear a soundbyte that sounds like it is coming from a movie, more then likely its this one. There are some movies I like more then Tron but Tron holds a special place in my heart and it was definitally a ground breaking movie. The geek in me places it in my top 100.


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