Thursday, September 01, 2005

97 The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen

Remarkable. Unbelievable. Impossible. And true.

“And that was only one of the many occasions on which I met my death, an experience which I don't hesitate to strongly recommend.”

So begins my appreciation for almost anything Gilliam. This movie is loved by many and hated by most. It is a complete fantasy that is absolutely true or is it. Yes it is. All of the things you believed as a child are in this movie. If you jump high enough you can touch the moon. Uma Thurman plays a role in this and in a funny quirky way Jonathan Pryce plays a paper pushing villain where as in Brazil he is the paper escaping hero. The Baron is a great figure and a great story watch it but before you do try to become a 10 year old again.

Cool trivia from IMDB In the scene in the King of the Moon's bedroom, above the headboard is a small bust. In a close-up shot, the eyes of the bust are seen to contain lights that blink on and off, accompanied by the sound of a camera whirring and clicking. This is line producer David Tomblin's homage to "The Prisoner" (1967), which he helped produce and direct in the late 1960s

Status: own it


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