Thursday, January 27, 2011

55 There will be Blood

"I'd like you to tell me that you are a false prophet... I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet... and that God is a superstition."

A man who hates everyone because all he can see is the worst in them becomes what he hates. A story of family, religion greed and oil.

It has been a while and looking back I suppose my mind has changed and some these prior influences would not be included but moving forward I can see how still all of these movies have entertained me. Placing any order before 25 is a bit of a jumble based on mood at the time. So keeping that in mind as I move forward, we have, There Will Be Blood. I wasn’t sure about seeing this film and opted more on the side of No country for old men. Both on the quiet side, gritty with a fair share of violence. Ultimately No country did not make my list. Not because it isn’t well done or entertaining. I enjoyed it but It would have tied with this one for the same reasons of style.

I loved that no country had 0 soundtracks save gravel and one note played in only one part of the movie. However, There will be blood is thick with character story and Daniel Day Lewis contorts his body to become the twisted soulless man he is.

I was impressed. The script must be 50 to 60 pages long. The breathing room for an Actor to embody the film with simple lines like “ I drink your milkshake, I drink it all up”

As the screen-writer wrote those words, I cannot imagine the writer imagining that wonderful performance.

Is there one memorable and likeable character in this movie. You have one you love to hate and one you hate to love. This movie truly lets silence do all of the heavy lifting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

56 The Wall

"The most expensive student film ever. " Alan Parker - Director

Dated, yet still emotionally powerful. The story of self destructive Pink on a journey of self loathing , hate and despair. So, not a feel good frolic in the park.

Get past the feel sorry for me story of the movie and you will feel sorry for yourself or at least dark as hell. I had heard a rumor that when this originally screened all the floyd fans were dropping acid to see the show then afterwards some were walking into traffic or committing suicide. I dont know if there is any truth to this urban legend.

Pink Floyd the Wall, is one of the best examples of a rock opera emotional journey. I would like to see more movies like this.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

57 Falling Down

An unemployed defense worker frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society, begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them. “I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home to my little girl's birthday party and if everyone will just stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt.”
Joel Schumacher's has done many evils in his life this is not one of them. Flatliners, Lost Boys and Falling down are all reasons we should allow Schumacher to continue hurting our minds with the crap festival that normally comes out of his delusional non sexy saxophone eighties mind.

Falling down is the story of hate towards apathy. Just really being pissed off at stupidity and stupid people.

Michael Douglas bashes breaks and blows crap up in the name of all things annoying.

Robert Foster Played by Douglas is a man trying to get to his daughters birthday party and is having a problem. Everyone and everything is getting in his way. This is a vehicle to give a social commentary on annoyances we all experience. From Fast Food to traffic jams, Robert Foster for a moment is our voice and he screams shouts bangs and shoots and we all cheer!!!! Falling Down is an original.

There are some slow spots in the movie with Duvalls character, a pencil pushing cop, cracking the case of a maniac on the loose. My favorite scene is when Douglas asks a dying golfer “Now your going to die wearing that stupid hat. How does that feel?”

Filmed during the L.A. riots of 1992

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

58 Searching for Bobby Fischer

A prepubescent chess prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Bobby Fischer. The true story of Josh Waitzkin creator of Chess Master among other things.

“Look deep, Josh. It's there. It's twelve moves away, but it's there. You've got him. Don’t move until you see it. Don’t move until you see it.”

Ben Kingsly and Morpheus I mean Laurence Fishburne and Max Pomeranc star in this drama about a boy that becomes a chess champion. You don’t have to like chess to like this movie and if you like chess you should watch this movie immediately. I enjoy this movie from beginning to end and can easily watch it more then once a year. The child actor does a good job and the layers of conflict in the story have you rooting for Josh. He is classically trained in chess but also learns to play speed chess with hustlers in Central park. Struggling with his good nature in a game the revolves around crushing your opponent, you will be happy to see how he brings it all together, to be an all around good kid in the game of his life. I think I like this movie because of the content. Yes, I play chess. I actually remember really dying to see this movie when it came out. I didnt see it until 10 or so years later. I not only like it for the content but the performances and the writing.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

59 Aviator

A biopic depicting the early years of legendary director and aviator Howard Hughes' career, from the late 1920s to the mid-1940s
“show me the blueprints, just show me the blueprints, the blueprints, show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints….”

I hate to say it, but I like this movie. I didn’t want to like it but I do. Leonardo DiCaprio plays eccentric Billionaire Aviator Howard Hughes. Even when I was young I had a fascination for anything eccentric or off the beaten path and people like Hughes fell into my interest. When I heard Leonardo was playing the role I was bummed out. I mean he was great in What’s eating Gilbert Grape but his recent films he has just been a pretty boy, in my opinion. So I settled on not watching the movie. Finally a friend told me I had to watch it he invited me over we watched the flick and my interest and love for the weirdness of Hughes was re-ignited. The movie itself has a couple of editing flaws but the direction is masterful and the acting is brilliant. In the beginning you may stay fairly reserved but 20 30 minutes into the movie you are no longer watching DeCaprio you are watching Hughes. Leonardo did what actors do best, become someone else entirely and he does this. The only two people that come close to stealing light away from DeCaprio are Alan Alda who does an excellent job playing a man you love to hate and Cate Blanchett who plays the boisterous and talkative Katharine Hepburn. Scorsese creates some brilliant shots that are very memorable. I think this movie is possibly even in the category of must see.

Monday, April 10, 2006

60 Unbreakable

ER Doctor “And, to answer your question, there are two reasons why I'm looking at you like this. One because it seems in a few minutes you will officially be the only survivor of this train wreck, and two, because you didn't break one bone, you don't have a scratch on you.”
A suspense thriller with supernatural overtones that revolves around a man who learns something extraordinary about himself after a devastating accident.

Bruce Willis and Samual L. Jackson star in an M. Night Shyamalan movie.
M. Night Shyamalan has never surpised me. I new the ending of sixth sense just from the trailers. The village I avoided the trailers and still new the ending within the first 15 minutes. I grew up with the Twilight zone and it takes Terry Gilliam or David Lynch to slip something past me. I have never been impressed with Shyamalan’s story telling until Unbreakable. Unbreakable seems to be the least favorite of the Shymalanite followers favorites but I was intrigued and taken by the end. I love the end because he is telling you the entire time you just don’t want to hear it. Granted unbreakable probably should be more in the 90’s or 80’s on my top 100. It slips into number 60 for its style, its storyline and some great performances by Mr. Jackson. Samuel had some good material to work with in this one and he is a pleasure to watch, especially his opening scene. In the end I wouldn’t mind seeing a spin off or a return to these characters. If you liked the realism of Batman Begins and you are tired of the fantasy of Spiderman or Xmen. Tune into Unbreakable its super powers at its most realistic. Warning the child actor is a bit unbearable.

61 Fifth Element

"Big Baddah Boom"
In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr Zorg at bay

My friend Trent told me about this movie. I watched it and I hated it.

Luc Besson, Ian Holm, Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovichl Blade Runner influences what’s not to like right? It just seemed over the top and stupid.

Then my eyes were opened. I heard an interview with Luc Besson where he explained the movie a bit. He was going for a Sci Fi movie that a 16 year old would make if they had the chance. Now it makes perfect sense. It’s a fantastical romp in the world of sci-fi.

It is not moody, dark, just fun. There is a lot of color and basic humor. Gary Oldman makes for a bizarre Car Salesman Power hungry Mogul. I am an Oldman fan and he is the highlight of the movie with his cartonish twisted performance. Looks like he had fun. Actually looks like everyone had fun on this one.

Don’t expect to have your socks blown off by special effects or deep plots. Just tilt your head in confusion as you watch a one of a kind film. It’s a comic book of a 16 year old and its fun. Chris Tucker is super green in this movie.

On the cool meter it ranks low but on the guilty pleasure meter very high.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

62 A Kiefer Tie

Lost Boys

Kiefer busy making a mullet look stylish

“Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste?”


Kiefer recovering from getting beat up by a 10 year old.

“Today is a good day to die”

When I was 14 I picked up a guitar and practiced for 8 hours straight until I could play People are strange, thanks to the Lost Boys. Both of these movies have an MTV stylized quality to them that definantly caters to Gen X rs but appeals to mass audiences as well.
Caution though before adding these to Netflix: If you have a weak stomach and enjoy Chinese food or you have wronged someone in your past these movies may not be for you. However, if you are a Kiefer Sutherland fan these are pre-requisite materials and you probably already own them.

Neither one of these movies are amazing on their own. The style of the movies, the time they were released and Keifer’s brat pack ring leader image were all indegrediants that made these movies fun to be a part of watching. The casts just snapped together so wonderfully with the storylines that you forgive some of the weak points in the movies.
Overall it’s a tie Flatliners has more Goth Style and a superior premise but falls horribly flat on its 3rd act. Lost Boys has some pretty lame sequences and is a story that is extremely old and worn out, with its inventions, execution and memorable punch line the movie redeems its self to the category of must see. Joel Schumacher is famous for destroying the Batman series which is now resurrecting itself should not be forgotten for Directing both of these classics. Which is better? I can t decide.

Status: I own them

Monday, December 12, 2005

63 Usual Suspects

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Five villains in New York are rounded up by police in an unconventional manner that worries them. After release, they get together for a spot of revenge, but someone else is controling events.

You are sitting around a campfire and listening to a story you have heard a million times but this time something is different, you are entranced. The story of usual suspects is just that. You are watching a gangster drama that unfolds in such a way that you are glued to the screen in wonder and its just the sheer storytelling that has you there. The characters are nothing new, the set up is nothing new, nothing is new just the voice of the script. I was told there is a twist at the end I looked for it as I always do and I didn’t see it. Rent it watch it but don’t judge it as just another shoot em up gangster movie until you have seen it all the way through. You will find it is more then guns and bullets it’s campfire storytelling.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

64 Alice in Wonderland

"That is stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life."

Lewis Carroll's story Alice in Wonderland through the Mastery of Walt Disney. This by far is my favorite Disney movie. The idea that a young childs wish of a dream world bieng a reality coming true is wonderful. Alice wishes for an world where nothing makes sense and she gets it. Unfortunatly everyone in this world torments her to no end, except for the King. I love the randomness of this movie, the creativity and the outright madness. The only flaw is she wakes

Status : I dont own but soon will!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

65 Platoon

The first casualty of war is innocence
"I love this place at night. The stars... there's no right or wrong in them. They're just there. "
This movie is great except for the star, I hate every minute of Charlie Sheen in this movie especially the end. The guy just was way to cool for himself and it showed. Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger were outstanding the direction was amazing and the story was moving. Where full metal Jacket was an anti war movie this felt more like an human observation movie. I might be wrong but that is how I took it. There are many disturbing scenes in this movie but there are also some very redeeming ones. There is a great scene towards the end where Sgt. Red Oneill brakes face and asks Barnes for leave. To me the drama here was best. Barnes denying this guy basically his only friend leave when the guy is practically begging. I'm not a big war movie buff I have a few on my list some take sides and some dont. I like this one for the style and the charecters, just not the main charecter, blech!
Status: Own

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

66 Hamlet

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle. Meanwhile, war is brewing.

"Tis now the very witching time of night, when church yards yawn and hell itself breathes out. "

Kenneth Branagh's version of Hamlet is excellent, all four hours. Mel Gibsons and Ethan Hawks are horrid. This version kept me engaged from start to finish. The story has been told horrible and has been told well in the past even different interpretations can be found (strange brew) I think I like this one for the acting and the set design. The location and the lighting. The lighting is wonderful. The camera does not pull off any Baz Lurhman MTV shots it is just a fine, fine, fine wine of a movie.

Monday, September 26, 2005

67 Raising Arizona

Their lawless years are behind them. Their child-rearing years lay ahead...
"Mighty fine cereal flakes, Mrs. McDonough"

To you it may seem this list makes no sense and in cases like this movie you would be right. How in the world can raising Arizona be better then Blue Velvet or White or Crouching Tiger. Where does logic play into my list making? Good question. Some of it has to do with mood, others have to do with it holding a special place in my being, some movies rank in higher then others for a single performance that blew me away. Raising Arizona comes in at 67 for a number of different reasons. I will list only one in defense; Nicolas Cage running down the street with stockings over his head, a gun in his hand and some huggies under his arm.

Friday, September 23, 2005

68 This is Spinal Tap

Does for rock and roll what "The Sound of Music" did for hills
"May I start by saying how thrilled we are to have you here. We are such fans of your music and all of your records. I'm not speaking of yours personally, but the whole genre of the rock and roll. "
Quite easily the best mockumentary out there. Sure, Best in show has its moments and A mighty wind was acadamy worthy but this this movie goes all the way to eleven. This movie reminds me to try and be funny it is one of the few comedies on my list. The humor is british and dry just like I like it. I dont think I will ever do a mockumentary.....ever! If I did this would be my template.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

69 White

“Warsaw at our feet.”
Second of a trilogy of films dealing with contemporary French society shows a man dealing with a Polish immigrant whose wife wants to divorce him because he can't perform in bed.

Clever and intriguing there are some wonderful moments and character stories. For the entire movie you wonder where its going and in the end you see it was all about revenge. My favorite scene is actually a tie between the subway shooting and the end where Julie Delpy is using sign language to communicate. This is a story truly about love and revenge. Although this is not as artistically pleasing as Blue I like it better for the character dramas and the storyline. Its comical and bitter.
Status: I own this one.

70 Stargate

It Will Take You A Million Light Years From Home
"I'm on Planet 'X' lookin' for a dweeb who wears green fatigues. He wears glasses. "
The interplay between James Spader and Kurt Russell is fun to watch. The concept is brilliant the story is just OK. The charecters are great. I basically like this movie for all of the fantastic ideas but in the end it doesn't pay off as well as I would hope. This is on my list primarly for the duo performance from Russell and Spader and it is here for all of the genius concepts. Plus I'm a bit of a sci fi man. My favorite scene has to be a series of scenes in the beginning where Spader reveals the true translation of the stargate and also is able to decipher how to use it. He seems like an Ian Holm in the making with his nervous energy. James Spader shows up one more time on my list and in the top 20 any guesses.
Status: I own this one

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

71 American Beauty

Look closer
It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself.
Oddly enough Kevin spacey doesn’t do anything for me in this one, the story wasn’t really anything special for me either. Its all about Annette Benning her acting was amazing. So many great scenes she stole the show and made me a fan. Its kind of the same gig as Bound with Joe’s acting I didn’t really like bound but I liked his performance here I’m not really a fan of the Story in American Beauty but Annette’s performance has me in awe.The tragic ending was a bonus.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

72 Predator

A team of commandos, on a mission in a Central American jungle, find themselves hunted by an extra-terrestrial warrior.
"If it bleeds we can kill it"

What can I say, guilty pleasure. Guy with a gun mows down a whole forest and doesnt even hit the alien. This is a sci fi extravaganza. Why hasnt hollywood figured out yet that Aliens plus Marines = box office success. In AVP why in the world did they have environmentalist??? This is a fun fun movie that is a hybrid of War, Thriller, Sci Fi and Action. Listing a top 10 Sci fi movie list this may be number 10.
Status: I own this one

73 Bound

Corky, a tough female ex con and her lover Violet concoct a scheme to steal millions of stashed mob money and pin the blame on Violet's crooked boyfriend Caeser.
"When you get tired of Cagney and Lacey, find me."

Probably Joe Pantoliano best performance. Sure he was great in the matrix but he just steals the show in this one. When you are competing with 2 beautiful women that are planning a heist against the mob and they are lesbians...and and you steal the show your good. Joe is great in this role. I was disappointed in this movie because Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon had really poor lines. Things like "I'm not apologizing for what I did. I'm apologizing for what I didn't do." That coupled with really cliche' forced performances is a gargantuan let down. The could have done quiet a bit more to make there dialogue and performances a little more believable. there are times when they do shine but this movie is on my list strictly for Joe's performance.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

74 Labyrinth

Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems.

So, my labyrith's a piece of cake? Well then let's see how you deal with this little slice...

Jennifer Connley and David Bowie! I was lucky enough to see this in the theatre. The concept and the charecters are what intrique me most about this story. Easily a resource for some of J.K. Rawlings work. I would like to see the labyrinth revisted but not as a kids show more of a dark or Grimm Adventure.

75 Conan The Barbarian

A child sold into slavery who grows into a man who seeks revenge against the warlord who massacred his tribe.

I really liked this one as a kid. It was big and epic and filled with the wonder of a different world. Again I know other movies are much better then this one but you cannot deny that this is the best Barbarian movie out there or at least the best one starring Arnold. James Earl Jones is great in most all that he does and again the story guilty pleasurefun. More then anything I really like the theme song to this one. An epic story with epic Biceps.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

76 Blue

First of a trilogy of films dealing with contemporary French society concerns how a composer deals with the death of her husband and child.
I promise I will get predictable real soon. I have liked this one since the mid 90's when I first viewed it. I actually like white better. This one is still great. Its a beautifully shot movie with wandering oberservational plot that moves around seeming somewhat aimless. The thing I like about this movie the most is it is very observational and rather then being entertained you feel like you are part of the world and seeing things through Julies eyes. Also giant points for just the great trilogy idea, I own all 3 I like red but its not on my list.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

77 Se7en

Gluttony * Greed * Sloth * Envy * Wrath * Pride * Lust
A film about two homicide detectives' desperate hunt for a serial Killer who justifies his crimes as absolution for the world's ignorance of the Seven Deadly Sins.
"This isn't going to have a happy ending. "
See how quickly the tone of my list can change. And I know what you might be thinking and no Iam not being cute putting seven at 77 it honestly just happened that way it was at 75 but was moved down without me even noticing when I added to other flickes.
This was a grisly extremely grisly. I think I like this one because it is unique the story is unique it starts off like a regular cat and mouse story but quickly turns into something a whole lot more. It is bizarre how horrifying this movie was and you did not see the act you only saw the aftermath. This movie gets under your skin and doesn't leave you alone. I probably wont ever watch it again but that doesn't mean it is not extremely impressive and it taught a valuable lesson in storytelling. Don't be afraid to show people what they don't want to see. Iam gettin freaked out just thinking about this movie time to move on.

78 Un Chien Andalou

Un Chien Andalou consists of seventeen minutes of bizarre and surreal images that may or may not mean anything
no quotes memorable image: ants crawling out of hand
Ok I am not putting this on here to be pretentious if you think I am see my choice for number 79. I genuinely dig this movie it is so far out there. The intent of Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel was to create a surreal dreamscape type movie and that they did. After watching it I felt like I just woke up and had the most bizarre dream that I would have a hard time explaining. Great film for doing something I have yet see done by any other filmmakers out there.

Monday, September 05, 2005

79 RocketMan

One Man's Dream... Is NASA's Nightmare!
Fred Z. Randall is geeky and obnoxious spacecraft designer, who gets the chance to make his dream come true.
"Hey, Commander, were you ever afraid of monsters under your bed? When I was little I used to think there was a baker under my bed."

I will be the first to say this doesnt belong on a top 100 list at all. However, I know I just lost major points with some and gained major ones with others. Basically, I like a lot of dark, heavy movies and its nice to laugh it up once in a while and this movie does it for me. Its the ginger to my sushi. Its wierd because as one reviewer put it this is just an unevolved kids movie. Its a bummer Harland hasnt really done anything major with his career. He seems like a Jimmy Stewert type. Yes you heard me right.
I would cast Harland in a heartbeat to play a serious dramatic role, I think the guy is very talented. Look for him in There's something about Mary and Dumb and Dumber. By the way I know over half the movies I already listed kick major butt over this one. But what can I say it tickles my funny bone. I heard it is a required viewing as part of a college initiation down in California and not because it sucks, because the movie has almost a cult following. "the flesh it burns"

Sunday, September 04, 2005

80 Blue Velvet

It's a strange world
An innocent young man discovers that a dark underworld exists beneath the surface of his seemingly quiet hometown.
"See that clock on the wall? In five minutes you are not going to believe what I just told you."
What a messed up movie. I dont know what else to say. The charecter Frank goes beyond words and David Lynch well what can you say. I have seen this movie 3 times and it is just strange, strange strange. The thing that gets me isnt Dennis Hoppers charecter so much as it is Dean Stockwell, Just odd. A lot of images that will stick with you for a long time because well you have never seen them before and you never will again unless you are watching the movie again.

81 2001: a space odyssey

Mankind finds a mysterious, obviously artificial, artifact buried on the moon and, with the intelligent computer HAL, sets off on a quest.
"Open the pod bay doors, HAL." "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
This is a great movie for many reasons, HAL for one a great villian that you actually for some odd reason feel pity for. The other is the visual style of this movie. I particularly like the end in the white room. I like the white room scene a lot!
This is also a great movie to watch when looking for inspiration on using space and time not in the since of outer space but looking for elements in a movie or story where you just let the story breath and the audience take it all in, slowly, the oppisite of MTV. At any rate this is a great story and a great odyssey.

82 The mission

18th century Spanish Jesuits try to protect a remote South American Indian tribe in danger of falling under the rule of pro-slavery Portugal.
"If might is right, then love has no place in the world. It may be so, it may be so. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that, Rodrigo. "
I just noticed I had a lot of movies from the 80's well anyway I think I like this one for the power of the story this one has a question that it does not answer is it better to die in love or die in war. I know this director also made the killing fields and that that movie should also appear on my list it does appear on one of my lists. Lists of movies I still need to see. So for now the mission holds its place for a powerful and moving story.

83 Masculine Feminine

Paul is young, just demobbed from national service in the French Army, and dishillusioned with civilian life

"Give us a TV and a car, but deliver us from liberty."

This begins my appreciation for French movies. It started I dont know where but maybe indirectly thru my appreciation for Gilliams work and his influence from french movies. I watched the re-release of this at the neptune in Seattle with a small audience. It was great. The sound is hard to look past and started to give me a headache but the story or lack of story is extremely inspirational and influenced some of the writing in a short I have started on called Sans Vie. I think the thing I like the most about this movie is it is more of a social commentary and it is not afriad to turn away from a traditional plot line. It ends bitter and hopeless and that may be why I like it so much. It is also the reason why many who like Godards work do not like it. There is a scene where they are in the movie theatre and you see the movie they are watching the mans face distorts dramatically, dollars to donoughts this is the kind of thing that defintially influenced Gilliams work.

84 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Two warriors in pursuit of a stolen sword and a notorious fugitive are lead to an impetuous, physically-skilled, teenage nobleman's daughter, who is at a crossroads in her life.

"When it comes to emotions, even great heroes can be idiots."

My friend Mark and I used to stay up watching tons of old kung fu movies on channel 13. A lot of people did not like the wire tricks in this movie but if they watched some of the old ones like I did they would have known it is a large part of some kung fu movies. I like this one for the action and the story. Most of the movies in this genre are the standard you killed my father now you must die. This one is more about love and the complexities of that and sacrifice. The score in this movie is outstanding. With a great story, great acting wonderful sets this movie has what many movies lack a beating heart.

85 Beetlejuice

In This House... If You've Seen One Ghost... You Haven't Seen Them All.
"We've come for your daughter Chuck. "
What a role for Michael Keaton, I really dug this movie when it first came out. Tim Burton was not a household name and his style was all his own. I think I wore out this movies welcome by overdosing on viewings this one may have been watched to many times making it not as favorite, but I still like it. Its fun its dark and its manic. Again with the Danny Elfman as well. This movie is just wierd, wierd, wierd totally out of left field and its amazing that mainstream ate it up.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

86 The Talented Mr. Ripley

How far would you go to become someone else.
Ripley is sent to Europe to retrieve a rich and spoiled millionaire playboy, but when the errand fails...
"I always thought it'd be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody."

Ok I have to clarify something here. Some movies already on my list I like better then this one as far as stories go but this beat them out simply for execution of style. This movie is rich with style and easily one of the best mysteries out there. Its dark brooding and very creepy at times. This movie also introduced me to Philip Seymour Hoffman who I hope to one day have a chance to work with, that would be great. Oh sorry dreaming a bit. Anyway this movie Nails intrigue and deception. If I need a reference for a charecter who wants what isnt his this is it.

87 Youve got mail

Someone you pass on the street may already be the love of your life.
Two business rivals hate each other at the office but fall in love over the internet.
"I always take a relationship to the next level. If that works out, I take it to the next level after that, until I finally reach that level when it becomes absolutely necessary for me to leave."

Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan Parker Posey, Greg Kinnear and Dave Chappelle. I know that is outright blasphamy for some but I did like this quite a bit better then when Harry met sally. A lot of punchlines and humor are not brought into focus so you get more out of the movie the second or 3rd time you watch it. And its a bit of a no brainer movie. So its fun a no brainer which honestly does have its merits. It is on my list probably most for Nora Ephrons writing and Parker Posey and Greg Kinnears performances. Nora Ephron has her writing down to a science she is great and giving you the over the shoulder view into peoples lives.

88 Gattaca

There Is No Gene For The Human Spirit
Futuristic story of a genetically imperfect man and his seemingly unobtainable goal to travel in space.

"I'll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God's hands, rather than her local geneticist."

Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law give great performances in this futuristic mystery. I like the mix of future and film noir in this flick and also the concept driving the movie. Are genetically engineered humans better then humans made the old fashioned way? The movie is very clean nice colors great lines, it was an art deco starkeness to it and then the end kinda makes me mad. It has kind of a lame ending. I still like it a lot but more for the beginning and middle of it. Jude Law is great in this movie. It is a futuristic sci - fi movie that uses style instead of special effects and acting instead of action.

89 Tron

A world inside the computer where man has never been. Never before now.
"All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible."
I saw this as a double feature in Tacoma with something wicked this way comes. Both great movies but I only have room for a couple of sentimental ones. Tron is all about video games and being inside one. This was done back in the day where computers were green screen apples and CGI might have been mistaken for a government agency. I hope they redo Tron soon. Although the thought of that makes me nervous as this one is a classic. When listening to any dance techno music if you hear a soundbyte that sounds like it is coming from a movie, more then likely its this one. There are some movies I like more then Tron but Tron holds a special place in my heart and it was definitally a ground breaking movie. The geek in me places it in my top 100.

Friday, September 02, 2005

90 Groundhog Day

He's having the worst day of his life... over, and over...

“You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.”
“There is no way this winter is *ever* going to end as long as that groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any way out of it. He's got to be stopped. And I have to stop him.”

GroundHog day is a classic my friends and I can quote almost half the script. Again with Bill Murray going nutz and being stressed out. The storyline is clever and the comedy is funnier each time you watch it. One of my favorite scenes has to be when he is teaching the Groundhog how to drive the car. The weird thing is although it’s a comedy about 2/3rds of the way through it gets very dark and heavy. Reminds me of Ferris Buelers day off when they are at the museum and Cameron starts spacing out on the painting of the picnic and he has a very deep and dark moment. Just odd to see in a comedy. The scene where Phil falls from the roof with the music score really just shows the weight of his desperation and then hey, hey, hey, its back with the comedy weird. This is a great movie for performance by Murray and the story its also I nice interpretation of Ecclesiastes

91 Angel Heart

Harry Angel is searching for the truth... Pray he doesn't find it.
“No matter how cleverly you sneak up on a mirror, your reflection always looks you straight in the eye.”
Whenever I mention this movie nobody knows what I am talking about until I say Lisa Bonet was in it and then they are like "oh yeah that was a messed up movie." It is messed up and I don’t like all the voodoo stuff going on and some of the subplots are totally out of the realm of acceptance for me. However, However….. Robert Deniro is better then great in this role and there are no other mickey rourke movies to watch this is it. I like the characters the main subject matter and the film noir detective feel going on. The ending is classic overall this is a suspenseful thriller that will have you going back and watching it again to see what you missed.
Status; I own it

92 Barton Fink

There's only one thing stranger than what's going on inside his head. What's going on outside.
“You think I made your life hell? Take a look around this dump. You're just a tourist with a typewriter, Barton, I live here.”

I cant say anything about this movie without spoiling it for anyone who has not watched it. Lets just say your watching this movie thinking something and the whole time your thinking it you are right and when the punchline comes you act as if you haven’t been thinking it the whole time. You think huh funny thats what was going on, hey wait a second I knew that the whole time. Kinda like when the guy in the movie goes to the Doctor and says I think my ear is infected and the Doctor looks at his ear says yep your ear is infected that will be 10 dollars. Its quirky it has a nice spin on the end and it pokes fun at writers whats not to like. John Goodman trying to get John Turturro to wrestle is as disturbing and off as the entire movie.

93 Shine

Pianist David Helfgott, driven by his father and teachers, has a breakdown. Years later he returns to the piano, to popular if not critical acclaim.
“Religion is nonsense.”
“It's also a gold mine if you know where to dig..”

Geoffrey Rush, Geoffrey Rush, Geoffrey Rush is great in this movie. By far his best. Some may argue Quills. Noah Taylor is excellent as well.
I think I am drawn to this movie because I like moving music dark stories and this one depicts mental illness with tragic beauty. Anyone who plays music or likes music should watch this. Garunteed if you go out and rent or buy this you will be absorbed in the first 5 minutes!

94 Bullets over Broadway

A killer comedy!
“No, no, don't speak. Don't speak. Please don't speak. Please don't speak. No. No. No. Go. Go, gentle Scorpio, go. Your Pisces wishes you every happy return.”

Hey Woodie Allen had to show up somewhere on my list. John Cusack and Daine Wiest are a riot in this movie. The best part is not the spoof on broadway theatre or even the quirky style of woody Allen the real treat watching this movie is the cast. Jennifer Tilly plays a ditzy mobboss girlfriend(I know big stretch) Tracy Ulman has appearance, Chazz Palminteri gives a forgettable but good performance as the straight man to Cusack but it is Wiest who steals the show. “She's perky all right. She makes you want to sneak up behind her with a pillow and suffocate her.” Iam not a fan of woody Allen but I like him for what he is and this one is good. I think because it is more then just a woody allen film.

Status: on loan to Cait

Thursday, September 01, 2005

95 Primer

If you always want what you can't have, what do you want when you can have anything?
“Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon.”

Any movie I want to watch 2 or 3 times will always get my vote. This movie is thick wth technical dialogue and has a lot going on that it over explains but doesn’t explain anything. It is over complicated and I love it! I think Shane Carruth did a magnificent job on this movie and I look forward to more from him. Best scene by far is when the garage door shuts and you see 4 panes that to me was very clever and well done. Great story, well written and artistically shot. It should be noted that this is an independent film written directed and starring Shane Carruth. Bravo!

'Primer' Theatrical Trailer

Status: I own it

96 The Player

Making movies can be murder

“I was just thinking what an interesting concept it is to eliminate the writer from the artistic process. If we could just get rid of these actors and directors, maybe we've got something here. "

Score two for Robbins early on in the game. Not a Tim Robbins fan but this wont be the last time you see him in my list. I like this movie for several reasons. First the interesting story within a story going on and also probing Hollywood satire. Not only is this movie entertaining but I think it gives a high level of how some of Hollywood operates. Overall the multiple story lines have enough going on to get give you even more on the second viewing. For all of these reasons the Player is on my list.

Status: Own it

97 The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen

Remarkable. Unbelievable. Impossible. And true.

“And that was only one of the many occasions on which I met my death, an experience which I don't hesitate to strongly recommend.”

So begins my appreciation for almost anything Gilliam. This movie is loved by many and hated by most. It is a complete fantasy that is absolutely true or is it. Yes it is. All of the things you believed as a child are in this movie. If you jump high enough you can touch the moon. Uma Thurman plays a role in this and in a funny quirky way Jonathan Pryce plays a paper pushing villain where as in Brazil he is the paper escaping hero. The Baron is a great figure and a great story watch it but before you do try to become a 10 year old again.

Cool trivia from IMDB In the scene in the King of the Moon's bedroom, above the headboard is a small bust. In a close-up shot, the eyes of the bust are seen to contain lights that blink on and off, accompanied by the sound of a camera whirring and clicking. This is line producer David Tomblin's homage to "The Prisoner" (1967), which he helped produce and direct in the late 1960s

Status: own it

98 Scrooged

Bill Murray is back among the ghosts. Only this time, it's three against one.

“If I was in charge...and I am.”

Scrooged beat shawshank redemption???? YES. Not for the writing or the acting. It is a fun retelling of a classic and I am a Bill Murray fan. Murray is best in comedy when he is highly stressed and pulls off the smooth lounge relaxed lines. “Hey that may work on the ladies big guy but not on me”..Talking to Ghost of Christmas future. Fun movie. I like the dark atmosphere although not directed by him it has a very Burton quality to it. I actually never really liked the Christmas carol story.I thought it was stiff and boring, but I like this flick. Probably another influence in me liking this is the soundtrack, my ears like Danny Elfman. *note a rare non annoying, performance by Bobcat Goldwait of Police Acadamy fame.
Status: own it

99 Little Odessa

Between good and evil and heaven and hell is...

“Do you believe in God” “Yes”
“Good. We'll wait ten seconds and see if he comes to save you.”

I watched this movie on IFC and loved it. I became a solid fan of Tim Roth after watching this movie. The story is dark with a tragic ending. A gangster returns home to his dysfunctional family only to remember why he left. It is raw and seedy. It is the opposite of Tarantino’s “hey its cool to be a mobster” and I love it.

Status: Dont own yet